The G1MRA Bookshop
Members may pay for these item by PayPal to: please add £2. to cover the PayPal handling charges. Overseas members are welcome to use this payment method.

A Pictorial History of G1MRA 1947 – 2022
A hardcover, 163 page, celebration of G1MRA’s 75th Anniversary. An amazing selection of photographs from the G1MRA archives, showing garden get-togethers and exhibitions between 1947 and 2022.
The ARM1G Book
If you don’t have the time to scratchbuild you can choose the gas-fired ARM1G, for which most parts are available off the shelf. A live-steam working model that involves very little engineering and is simple to run. 70 pages including full drawings and instructions to build a twin cylinder 0-4-4T.
Price per Item incl P&P | Members in UK | Members Outside UK | Non Members in UK | Non Members Outside UK |
A New Pictorial History | £35.00 | £36.00 | £38.00 | £39.00 |
Steam Turbine | £12.00 | £13.00 | £15.00 | £16.00 |
Bulldog | £15.00 | £16.00 | £18.00 | £19.00 |
Dee | £8.00 | £9.00 | £11.00 | £12.00 |
Project or ARMIG | £13.00 | £14.00 | £16.00 | £17.00 |
Coal Firing | £14.00 | £15.00 | £17.00 | £18.00 |
JVR or Freight or Coach | £8.50 | £9.50 | £11.50 | £12.50 |
Dee Metrics Drawings | £4.50 | £5.00 | £6.50 | £7.00 |
All books are available from: Adrian Johnstone, 65 Wolsey Road, Ashford, Surrey, TW15 2RA or email:
When ordering please quote membership number. Cheques made payable to Gauge One Model Railway Association Ltd.
UK and Overseas Members may pay by PayPal to: Please add £2 for PayPal handling.
NOTE – Overseas members may be able to order their books through their membership co-ordinator.
The U.S. G1MRA Bookshop Prices are shown below.
U.S. $ Price per item including p & p Members Non-members
Price per Item incl P&P | Members | Non Members |
A New Pictorial History | POA | POA |
Steam Turbine | $18.50 | $22.50 |
Bulldog | $22.50 | $26.75 |
Dee | $12.75 | $17.00 |
Project or ARMIG | $19.75 | $24.00 |
Coal Firing | $21.00 | $25.25 |
JVR or Freight or Coach | $13.50 | $17.50 |
Dee Metrics Drawings | $7.00 | $10.00 |
US books available from Ernie Noa, 4009, Freedom Blvd, Champaign IL 61822
A guide to successful scratch-building by Werner Jeggli
Thinking about building a model turbine? Well, the idea of directing a jet of liquid or gas onto a bladed wheel and then using the resulting torque to do work – this idea is simple, elegant and old. A search in the hobby press and in the internet with its various forums reveal that quite a number of attempts have been – or are being made to tackle this issue. But nearly all of the contributions peter out without any tangible results, indicating that the builders never came to a satisfactory end and gave up. This indicates that this seemingly easy task is far from being that simple. There is a notable exception – Werner Jeggli of our Swiss group. In the course of the past 18 years he has designed and scratch-built 4 steam turbine driven gauge 1 locomotives, “Der Mathematiker” and “Dampfsprinter” with turbine-electrical drive, both freelance, as well as “LMS Turbomotive” and the “Pennsy PRR-S2”, both historical models and turbine-mechanically driven. They all run quite satisfactorily. They can be seen in action – video clips are to be found on YouTube. In Werner’s own words “At the time of writing, I’m 84 and I have decided not to build locomotives any more. My present ambition is to sum up my experience gained in the course of the years on construction and operation of model steam turbines and make it available to interested model engineers. The goal is to develop a multipurpose model steam turbine which, by just changing nozzle and steam exit inserts, can be adapted to a variety of applications such as railways, boats or whatever. Additionally, I intend to help in sourcing the critical turbine parts such as rotors and nozzles. Anybody deciding to take on such a project would have my support as long as it is done in a methodical and properly managed way.”
In this new G1MRA book, Tony White explains the way he translates his research on full-size build variations into a finely detailed scratch-built 1/32 scale electric model of a GWR ‘Bulldog’ 4-4-0 named Camelot. He decided that Gauge 1 lent itself to finescale models that could run alone without the need to build matching finescale countryside, and combined all that he had learned about model engineering and making detailed fittings. His young grandson used to watch as he started building the ‘Bulldog’, and Tony realised that when he inherited it, he would never remember how they made it if it went wrong. So, he made copious notes, took many photographs and wrote a leaflet on taking it apart. This developed into a new 92-page G1MRA book. G1MRA Vice-President Martin Hulse and Committee member David Halfpenny have worked with Tony in editing and producing the book. Martin comments “Editing these books always gives me an ‘ahah’ moment when I suddenly realise why something so simple works, Tony provided one with the three-point suspension diagram which reminded me of JvR’s Type J bogie which also uses a three-point geometry approach to avoid springing individual axleboxes.” If you are inspired by this book to try Gauge 1 scratchbuilding, you will find a wide group of G1MRA friends and suppliers to help you solve any problems that arise.

Keep your Newsletters safe and in pristine condition by using the G1MRA Binder. “G1MRA JOURNAL” is printed down the spine and the G1MRA logo on the front cover, both in yellow with the binder in green.
Each binder holds six Newsletters.
Please send your order to, Adrian Johnstone, 65 Wolsey Road, Ashford, Surrey, TW15 2RA or email:
Increased costs have meant revised prices of £12 each to UK members, £13 each to European members, and £14 each to members outside Europe. All prices include P&P.
Overseas payments preferred by PayPal (add £2 PayPal handling charge) or in £UK drawn on a UK bank (add £8 handling charge).
When ordering please quote membership number. Cheques made payable to Gauge One Model Railway Association Ltd.