Resignation of the Chair


Following Adrian Johnstone’s recent appointment as School Director of Academic Integrity at
Royal Holloway, University of London, he has reluctantly resigned from the position of Chair
of G1MRA with immediate effect. His new responsibility will require significant focus in
addition to his existing teaching and research commitments.

The G1MRA committee have reluctantly accepted Adrian’s resignation.
We wish Adrian well in his new role and thank him for his service on the committee. He will
continue as Chair of the Surrey Group and convenor of the 3D group. Adrian will still handle
book sales and he hopes to continue enjoying events where possible.

We are pleased to announce that committee member Kevin West has been appointed as
Interim Chairman. Kevin has been a member of G1MRA since the early 70’s and served on
the committee during the 1980’s and 90’s including a period as Newsletter Editor.